Monday, October 12, 2009

People helping farmers: Snohomish Ag advisory board

I've spent some time writing about regulations and situations where life is made harder on farmers by various regulations, but let's take a minute and talk about the unsung heroes out there.  One of those are the volunteers on the Snohomish Agriculture Advisory board

The members of this board are volunteers.  They aren't paid anything, and they devote their time and effort to helping the county make decisions that take into consideration the needs and requirements of agriculture. 

As anyone involved in agriculture knows, there's always something to do with your time.  For this group of people to take the time out of their week to spend most of a day dealing with farm issues is really a nice community service.

So here's to you folks on that board, doing very important work: 

Nick VanDam, Mike Harnden,  Gerald Labish, Brian Bookey, Mark Craven, 
Dave Remlinger,  Elizabeth Christianson, Jackie Macomber, John Postema, Jesse Allen, Dan Douglas. 

I sincerely believe that without this boards input the already-difficult position that ag is put in right now would be much worse.  Thank you all.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Several of my neighbors in there-they do a great job!
